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Image by Keila Hötzel

Mindfulness Mini-Bites

Our 'Mini-Bites' courses are 2 hours in length and are designed to introduce you to 3 key foundations related to a mindfulness theme.


These courses are intentionally short to make them accessible for those who have busy lives, or who are just looking for some inspiration to motivate their personal practice.


The sessions will be interactive, involving key teachings around the theme, three mindfulness practices, and group discussion.


Sessions will run from 7.00 - 9.00pm.


Courses Coming Up ...


20.03.25: Three Foundations for Contentment​


15.05.25: Three Foundations for Stress-Free Living


More courses and dates will follow soon.


Led by Michael Atkinson


Course Fee (Per Course): £25

Why choose 'Mindfulness Mini-Bites'?

  • Shorter  practices that fit into a time poor lifestyle

  • Tools and techniques to enhance your mindfulness practice

  • Greater understanding of the potential of mindfulness

  • Accessible to all, no previous mindfulness experience required 

What does the courses entail?

Our Mini-Bites courses are online and run over a 2-hour period. In each course we will explore three important foundations relating to a chosen theme.  You will experience three meditation practices that will help you to engage authentically with the topic so that you can begin to take the teachings to heart and into your daily life.

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