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Privacy Policy

We have prepared this policy for you to understand how and why we handle personal data. Under the General Data Protection Regulations, we are a “data controller”, as we collect and use personal data. We also use “data processors” who handle some of our data. We therefore have a number of responsibilities to protect our customers, suppliers and staff.


What personal data do we hold? 


We collect and retain personal data for: 


  • Individuals who use our services. 

  • Suppliers of products and services. 

  • Staff.


What type of data do we hold? 


We hold the following data: 


  • Contact data for customers, suppliers and staff. 

  • Details of bookings for services, and a record of previous services used. 

  • Sensitive data related to bookings (such as health or personal circumstances) that may be relevant to attendance at one of our events. 


We expressly do not hold:

Banking or credit card data for clients unless given to us for a purpose (e.g. a reimbursement)



Where do we store personal data? 


Personal data, including sensitive data, for our clients is stored on a secure server, password protected that meets the highest standards. Personal data is available for admin purpose for routine processing.


Data is held within Wix, the website platform that we use, which is highly secure. You can read their privacy statement here.


We also use a cloud-based accounting system called Quickbooks for payments and receipts. We will enter client and supplier details necessary to process payments on that system. You can read their privacy statement here.


We use Starling bank for our financial transactions. We will enter details of anyone we pay on there to facilitate payments. You can read their privacy statement here.​


We use Dockwray Accounting for our accountancy services. They hold data on staff for payroll purposes. 



Who can see the data we hold? 


Personal data (not including sensitive data) may be viewed by: 


  • Staff, for the purposes of administering a service. 

  • Third parties for the purposes of processing payments. 

  • Third parties for the purposes of distributing information. 


Personal sensitive data may be viewed by: 


  • Michael Atkinson who is trained to assess individuals prior to acceptance on an event. 

  • Michael Atkinson who needs to know of any relevant issues for an attendee on an event. 


Personal sensitive data may not be viewed by Michael Atkinson or any associated teacher:


  • For any purpose other than the above. 

  • If the individual is known personally as a friend, family member of in another social context, unless express permission has been granted by individual for the staff member to see that information.


Who do we share data with? 


  • We will comply with all legal and legislative obligations on personal data. 

  • We will not share personal sensitive data with any third party – unless this is a Safeguarding issue. Please see our Safeguarding Policy for more details. 


How do we communicate with people? 


  • When people enquire with us or apply for a service, we will restrict our communications to that service. 

  • People will be offered the option to sign up to our newsletter service, and we will email those who do from time to time to advise of our activities and of other related activities that may be of interest. 

  • We use social media to reach out to the general public. We do not harvest personal data from our social media sites.


How long do we hold data? 


  • We hold personal data for the minimum amount of time necessary. 

  • Unless there is a need to retain the data for longer, sensitive data will be deleted within three years of its use. During that period it will not be accessed without permission of the individual concerned. 

  • We will delete data about an individual on request from that person, unless there is some legal obligation to retain that data. 




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