Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct applies to all teachers and clients.
As mindfulness-based teachers and trainers, we strive to embody both ethical integrity and mindfulness, recognising these qualities as central to our practice. The guidelines below provide a framework and aspiration for maintaining ethical practice.
For mindfulness teachers and tutors already bound by professional codes of conduct this Code of Conduct complements those standards and does not replace them. For those not affiliated with a professional body, these guidelines serve as a foundational ethical framework.
Respect for Participants
• I/we will show respect to everyone I/we engage with in my/our role as a mindfulness teacher.
• I/we will support participants, students, and graduates in maintaining their health and well-being.
• I/we will not discriminate against anyone for any reason.
• I/we will challenge discrimination by co-facilitators if it occurs.
• I/we will maintain professional relationships with participants ensuring appropriate boundaries are upheld.
• I/we will communicate with integrity, listening carefully and responding respectfully at all times.
• To the best of my/our ability, I/we will ensure that all written materials—websites, emails, handouts, student notes, and handbooks—are accurate and up to date.
• I/we will use social media responsibly and only with the full permission of participants, students, and graduates.
• I/we will strive to accommodate individual communication and language needs wherever possible.
• I/we will be open and transparent about any potential conflicts of interest and work to ensure they do not affect my/our actions.
Adherence to Good Practice Guidelines
I/we will follow the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA) Good Practice Guidelines for teachers, tutors, and supervisors, including:
• Working within the scope of my/our training, teaching, and experience.
• Only working with populations where I/we possess sufficient knowledge, skills, and experience.
• Expanding my/our teaching scope only with appropriate supervision and further training.
• Engaging in regular supervision to ensure ethical and safe practice.
• Continuously updating my/our knowledge and skills in teaching, training, and supervising.
Managing Risk
• If an individual’s needs exceed my/our expertise, I/we will, where possible, suggest alternative resources or support.
• I/we will assess and manage risks safely, collaborating with participants and other professionals as needed.
• I/we will prioritise my/our own health, taking steps to address any concerns that could impact performance or judgment and potentially risk others’ well-being.
• I/we will maintain appropriate professional indemnity and comprehensive teacher training centre insurance suitable to the context of my/our work.
Respecting Confidentiality
• I/we will treat all information shared by participants, students, and graduates as confidential.
• I/we will clearly explain when and why information might need to be shared, such as legal obligations or safeguarding concerns.
• I/we will obtain full consent from participants, students, or graduates if sessions are to be recorded.
• I/we will ensure that any written information about participants, students, or graduates is accurate, securely stored, and compliant with GDPR.
By following this Code of Conduct, I aim to uphold the highest standards of ethical mindfulness practice, ensuring a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all.